Citipost Ltd trading as Citipost Mail, is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities and in its supply chain. We have 61 direct employees as of April 2024.
We are committed to tackling this crime through effective due diligence and risk assessments, raising awareness of modern slavery and working together to protect the most vulnerable groups of people. The key elements include:
Vetting procedures: We conduct robust vetting and screening checks on all our employees. Specifically, we ensure photo ID checks are carried out, Right to Work checks are completed where necessary, two references are supplied for all employees on the commencement of their employment and checks are completed to ensure that bank accounts are in the name of the employee to where their monthly wages are paid into.
Whistle Blowing: All our colleagues have access to our Whistle blowing policy which is documented in our employee handbook. Our policy includes details of who to report any issues and/or concerns to.
Supplier Approval: In order to do business with Citipost Mail our suppliers are required to complete a supplier approval form. This document is then reviewed to ensure they meet our expectations in line with our ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO27001 accreditations. All suppliers must have robust measures in place to prevent slavery and human trafficking within their businesses to ensure they meet our supplier approval process which assesses adherence to our requirements.
Continuous Improvement: We have a dedicated internal department which ensures compliance is driven and adhered to. Continuous improvement plans are created for the business annually and the department provides guidance and support to all employees where necessary.
Risk and Compliance: Modern slavery involves criminal activity and signs can often be very subtle and difficult.
Citipost Mail regularly evaluates their risk of slavery and human trafficking. Where a potential risk may occur, an investigation will take place and robust processes will be followed.
Awareness and collaboration; we are a member of Stronger Together. This programme raises awareness of issues such as; forced labour, exploitive practises by labour providers and human trafficking.
Future Actions and Sign off: We will continue to review and take necessary action to prevent slavery and human trafficking in line with our above statement.
This statement will be reviewed and updated annually.
Hannah Danielle Simmons
Head of Human Resources
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